Demand Response

One of the leading independent energy aggregators in Italy

With more than 250 MW of modular power, we are one of the leading aggregators on the dispatching services market (MSD), which is open to all electric energy producers, including cogeneration plant owners, as well as consumers – for example, industrial firms and large-scale distributors.

Who are our services for?

  • Are you the owner of a district heating plant?
  • Are you a consumer of electric energy?
  • Do you have a cogeneration plant capable of producing more energy than your production cycle requires?
  • Are you a large-scale distributor interested in exploiting the opportunities offered by the evolution of grid services?

What we offer

EGO holds virtually aggregated mixed units (UVAMs) certified by Italian grid operator Terna and can exploit the flexibility resulting from the under-utilised power in your plant or from cutting off your grid loads. To do this you need to join EGO’s virtually aggregated networks.

Exploiting energy

By connecting to our UVAMs you become part of EGO’s aggregated networks. If your energy availability coincides with Terna’s requirements, we will handle releasing your energy to the grid or temporarily cutting off your loads, thereby exploiting your energy with no impact on your production cycle. Participating in the UVAM system offers a significant opportunity to boost earnings in view of the fixed and variable charges that can be achieved.

Monitoring and optimisation of production plants

Thanks to our dynamic artificial intelligence-based monitoring platform we can analyse historical and forward-looking production consumption patterns and model energy vectors, precision tailoring the energy produced to your automated consumption requirements, and optimising your energy production for relay to the dispatching services market (MSD).

How we work

Years of investment in innovation mean that we are one of the pioneers in this new market: our technology infrastructure includes hardware components for energy modulation and artificial intelligence-based software systems for data analysis, risk management, and predictive analytics.